Sunday, August 14, 2011

So broken.

He told me his idea of perfect. why he didn't fight for her. he didn't feel like it was going anywhere. He felt like there was soemthing better. then he talked about how all guys are always thinking that there is something better. the perfect girl. then they realise, after they've ended it, that there isn't, such a thing. he explained his perfect girl. as the girl with blond hair blue eyes skinny waiste big tits, happy funny... all the things i'm complete opposite to. i asked him if he thought there was someone else that he was interested in. FUCK NO. he said.
oh . bbut i thought maybe .. me?
am i fucking retarted? yeah .
then he explained how a person would have you be your best friend, love them more than anything. he said he cant wait til he finds that person, and when he does theres no reason why he wouldnt want to marry them right away, . he wouldnt want to wait around for something to happen, something better.
that hurrt.
hes never going to want me, ill never be the thing he wants.
ill never be his idea of perfect. ill never me anything but the friend.
im so happy when i'm with him.
but it just hurts because i know it's going to end,
i love his handwriting.
i love him.

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